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Love Actually (2003)

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view post Posted on 21/2/2017, 23:44

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Alan Rickman Fan

Love Actually: lo speciale non renderà omaggio al compianto Alan Rickman
I fan sono letteralmente impazziti dopo aver saputo della reunion del cast di Love Actually (QUI la nostra recensione), in occasione del corto che andrà in onda durante la giornata del Red Nose Day 2017, raccolta fondi di beneficenza organizzata in Gran Bretagna in collaborazione con la Comic Relief.

Love Actually: Nessun omaggio ad Alan Rickman

Il regista Richard Curtis ha già anticipato che lo speciale di Love Actually non includerà un omaggio al compianto Alan Rickman, scomparso il 14 Gennaio dello scorso anno per un cancro:
“Parlare di Alan è ancora una ferita aperta, è troppo difficile“.
La celebre commedia inglese segue le vite di otto diverse coppie, intente ad occuparsi delle loro vite sentimentali, vite che s’intrecciano, inequivocabilmente, l’un l’altra, in modo frenetico il mese prima di Natale.

Alan Rickman interpretava Harry, manager di un’agenzia di design, sposato con Karen (Emma Thompson), ma sedotto da Mia a lavoro (Heike Makatsch). Curtis, ha continuato a spiegare il motivo della mancanza del tributo ad Alan:

“Non ci occuperemo di tutti, ma solo di circa due terzi delle persone“.
Il regista e sceneggiatore ha dichiarato che anche Emma Thompson, che interpretava appunto la moglie del personaggio di Alan, non comparirà nello speciale, a causa di impegni personali.

Nonostante Harry, nel film, avesse preso un’infatuazione per la bella e giovane Mia, alla fine decide di rimanere con la moglie Karen, per il bene dei due figli.

Alan Rickman, conosciuto maggiormente per aver vestito i panni del celebre Professor Severus Piton nella saga di Harry Potter, è scomparso tragicamente lo scorso anno, in seguito a una battaglia, tenuta nascosta, con il cancro.
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view post Posted on 22/2/2017, 00:24

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view post Posted on 22/2/2017, 00:46

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view post Posted on 25/2/2017, 00:44

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Alan Rickman Fan


Emma Thompson says it would be 'too sad and too soon' after death of co-star Alan Rickman to take part in Love Actually sequel
Emma Thompson and the late Alan Rickman
Telegraph Reporters
24 FEBRUARY 2017 • 1:04AM
Love Actually star Emma Thompson has said it would be "too sad and too soon" after the death of her co-star Alan Rickman for her to take part in the film's Comic Relief sequel.
Actress Emma Thompson CREDIT: GETTY
Thompson and Rickman played husband and wife in the hit romantic comedy, which will be revived by director Richard Curtis for the charity broadcast, but the actress will not be taking part.

Rickman died aged 69 in January 2016 and Thompson said: "Richard wrote to me and said 'darling we can't write anything for you because of Alan' and I said 'no of course, it would be sad, too sad'.
"It's too soon. It's absolutely right because it's supposed to be for Comic Relief but there isn't much comic relief in the loss of our dear friend really only just over a year ago.

"We thought and thought but it just seemed wrong but to revisit the wonderful fun characters of Bill Nighy and Hugh Grant and Liam (Neeson) and all of that, that's fantastic but obviously what would he have done?

"Both of them would be in therapy by now and I would be working on some kind of ward. It was absolutely the right decision."

Grant, Keira Knightley, Colin Firth and Rowan Atkinson will all appear in the 10-minute film, which will show what the original characters are doing in 2017, 14 years after the movie was released.

The short film, dubbed Comic Relief Actually, will air during the Red Nose Day broadcast on March 24 on BBC1.
Emma Thompson: 'Too soon' to do Love Actually sequel after Alan Rickman's death
24 February 2017

Thompson said it was the "right decision" not to revisit her character
Emma Thompson has spoken for the first time about why she isn't taking part in the upcoming Love Actually sequel.
A 10-minute film is currently being produced to raise money for Comic Relief.
Thompson appeared in the original 2003 film as the wife of Alan Rickman's character.
But in light of the actor's death last year, Thompson has said it would be "too sad" and "too soon" to revisit her character.
"Richard [Curtis, the writer] wrote to me and said 'darling we can't write anything for you because of Alan' and I said 'no of course, it would be sad, too sad'.
Alan Rickman died in January 2016
"It's too soon. It's absolutely right because it's supposed to be for Comic Relief but there isn't much comic relief in the loss of our dear friend really, only just over a year ago.
"We thought and thought but it just seemed wrong but to revisit the wonderful fun characters of Bill Nighy and Hugh Grant and Liam [Neeson] and all of that, that's fantastic but obviously what would he [Richard Curtis] have done?"
'Right decision'
Speaking about what might have happened to their characters Karen and Harry, whose marriage is rocked by Harry's affair with a colleague in Love Actually, Thompson added: "Both of them would be in therapy by now and I would be working on some kind of ward.
"It was absolutely the right decision."
The short sequel, which will be broadcast on BBC One on 24 March, has already begun filming.
Rowan Atkinson returns as the somewhat slow shop assistant Rufus
Rowan Atkinson, Liam Neeson and Thomas Brodie-Sangster (the now-not-so-little boy from the first film, who also stars in Game of Thrones) have been seen shooting their scenes.
Thomas Brodie-Sangster has got quite a bit bigger since 2003
Atkinson returns as the shop assistant Rufus, who was painfully-slow at gift wrapping in the first film. He now appears to be working in a supermarket.

Atkinson shot his scenes earlier this week
Hugh Grant, Martine, McCutcheon, Keira Knightley, Liam Neeson, Colin Firth and Bill Nighy are among the other actors reprising their roles.

Emma Thompson Reveals Sad Reason She Won't Be Back for 'Love Actually' Sequel
LONDON (Reuters) — Emma Thompson has said she is not taking part in a short Love Actually sequel for Britain’s Comic Relief charity appeal because it is “too soon” to reprise her role in the romantic comedy after the death last year of co-star Alan Rickman.

Thompson and Rickman played wife and husband Karen and Harry in the hit 2003 movie, which also starred Hugh Grant as the British prime minister and Bill Nighy as an ageing rock star, as well as Keira Knightley, Liam Neeson and Colin Firth.

A short film revisiting the characters is in the works for the annual charity appeal, which holds its fundraising Red Nose Day and televised evening of celebrity comedy sketches on March 24.

Speaking to the BBC last week, director Richard Curtis confirmed some of the big names would take part but added there was a question mark over Thompson’s return. Rickman, also known for the Harry Potter films, died of cancer in January 2016, aged 69.

“Richard [Curtis] wrote to me and said, ‘Darling I can’t write anything for you because of Alan,’ and I said, ‘No, of course you can’t, it would be sad, too sad, it’s too soon,‘” Thompson told Reuters at the U.K. launch of Disney’s new Beauty and the Beast film on Thursday night.

“It’s absolutely right, it’s supposed to be for Comic Relief and there isn’t much comic relief in the loss of our dear friend really only just over a year ago… We thought and thought but it just seemed wrong.”

The 2003 movie is set in the run-up to Christmas, with different stories of romance and love woes, like Rickman’s character getting close to a female colleague. In one scene, Thompson’s character tears up alone in the bedroom when she discovers a necklace he bought is not for her.

While saying it was “absolutely the right decision” to leave her out, Thompson said the idea of the sequel was appealing. “To revisit the wonderful fun characters of Bill Nighy and Hugh Grant and all of that, that’s fantastic.”

(Reporting By Helena Williams; Writing by Marie-Louise Gumuchian; Editing by Mark Trevelyan)
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view post Posted on 25/2/2017, 00:50

Pozionista con esperienza

Alan Rickman Fan

Emma Thompson on Alan Rickman and the “Love Actually” Sequel

We were ecstatic when we learned that some of the characters from one of our favorite festive films, Love Actually, would be returning to the small screen for a charity special. The writer behind Love Actually, Richard Curtis, revealed earlier this month that he would be reuniting many of the stars from the cast for a Comic Relief ten-minute special.

But one question hung over the reunion – what about the characters of Emma Thompson and the late Alan Rickman? How would they deal with the passing of Rickman? At the end of the film, we were left with questions about the characters – ones that we have been wondering about ever since the credits rolled and we hoped that they might be answered in this short reunion.

But it seems that Thompson will not joining her fellow castmates after all.

She spoke about the decision not to return to the character.

Richard [Curtis, the writer] wrote to me and said ‘darling we can’t write anything for you because of Alan’ and I said ‘no of course, it would be sad, too sad’.

It’s too soon. It’s absolutely right because it’s supposed to be for Comic Relief but there isn’t much comic relief in the loss of our dear friend really, only just over a year ago.

We thought and thought but it just seemed wrong but to revisit the wonderful fun characters of Bill Nighy and Hugh Grant and Liam [Neeson] and all of that, that’s fantastic but obviously what would he [Richard Curtis] have done?

Thompson also spoke briefly about where she thought her character and husband might be now.

Both of them would be in therapy by now and I would be working on some kind of ward.

The Comic Relief Love Actually special will feature most of the original cast, including Potter star Bill Nighy, and will air on March 24 on BBC1, as part of Comic Relief. Filming is currently underway and you can find out more about the reunion here.

Despite Thompson not returning to film, are you looking forward to seeing where the Love Actually characters are now?
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view post Posted on 26/2/2017, 00:30

Pozionista con esperienza

Alan Rickman Fan

Love Actually: Emma Thompson non farà il sequel per un motivo straziante
Tornerà al cinema il sequel del fortunato film corale Love Actually, ma l'attrice inglese non ne prenderà parte.
A Hollywood è in preparazione il sequel di una delle commedie corali più amate degli ultimi anni, Love Actually. Emma Thompson, una delle attrici protagoniste del film, non farà parte del cast: il motivo è la prematura morte di Alan Rickman, che nel film interpretava la parte di suo marito. Rickman è morto nel gennaio del 2016, a soli 69 anni.
L'attrice riserva un ricordo bellissimo del suo collega di set e ha dichiarato che per lei sarebbe molto prematuro e molto doloroso affrontare il sequel della pellicola senza di lui.

Un dolore troppo grande

Richard Curtis, produttore del film, ha scritto all'attrice per comunicarle l'assenza di un ruolo per lei, data la morte del suo marito cinematografico. In ogni caso l'attrice, pur avendo molto amato il film, non avrebbe mai potuto farne il sequel, per rispetto alla morte del suo collega:

Richard Curtis mi ha scritto dicendomi, 'Cara non possiamo scrivere niente per te per via di Alan,' e io ho risposto, 'No, certo. Sarebbe triste, troppo triste. Troppo presto. Sarebbe stato giusto tornare perché è per una buona causa, ma non c'è niente di comico nella perdita di un caro amico avvenuta solo un anno fa. Ci abbiamo pensato e ripensato, ma non ci sembrava giusto rivisitare il mio personaggio con i meravigliosi personaggi di Bill Nighy e Hugh Grant e Liam Neeson. Come avremmo potuto fare?".
Love Actually, il sequel

Per Love Actually il sequel sarà un modo per ritrovare i protagonisti delle storie, interpretati da un cast all star che comprende Hugh Grant, Colin Firth, Keira Knightley, Liam Neeson, Laura Linney, Bill Nighy. All'epoca della sua uscita, nel 2003, il film ebbe un enorme successo al botteghino, ma fu anche un successo di critica: ottenne una valanga di nominations a vari premi, con diversi riconoscimenti vinti dal simpatico Bill Nighy, che interpretava un cantante sopra le righe. A fronte di una spesa di 45 milioni di dollari, la pellicola ne incassò 247,472,278 in tutto il mondo.
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view post Posted on 26/2/2017, 01:05

Pozionista con esperienza

Alan Rickman Fan


Qui la traduzione
Emma Thompson reveals why she won’t be part of the Love Actually sequel
Thompson has said it’s “too sad” and “too soon” after the death of her co-star Alan Rickman
By Huw Fullerton
Friday 24 February 2017 at 9:30AM
Emma Thompson has explained why she won’t be taking part in Red Nose Day Actually, the short sequel to Christmas favourite Love Actually currently being filmed by Richard Curtis for Comic Relief, saying that the death of co-star Alan Rickman last year makes it “too sad” to be a part of the project.
Many had speculated that the death of Rickman was the reason behind Thompson not returning with fellow stars Hugh Grant, Bill Nighy, Liam Neeson, Martine McCutcheon, Colin Firth and Keira Knightley among others. Now the actress has described how she and Curtis came to the decision.
"Richard wrote to me and said, 'Darling we can't write anything for you because of Alan,'” Thompson told PA, “and I said, 'No of course, it would be sad, too sad'.
"It's too soon," she added. "It's absolutely right because it's supposed to be for Comic Relief, but there isn't much comic relief in the loss of our dear friend really only just over a year ago.
"We thought and thought but it just seemed wrong but to revisit the wonderful fun characters of Bill Nighy and Hugh Grant and Liam (Neeson) and all of that; that's fantastic but obviously what would he have done?
"Both of them would be in therapy by now and I would be working on some kind of ward. It was absolutely the right decision."
The 10-minute sequel to Love Actually will take place 14 years after the original film in the present day, and will catch up with the majority of the movie’s cast – including Rowan Atkinson’s over-zealous shopworker Rufus, who was seen filming in a Sainsbury’s yesterday.
Curtis also suggested last week that the ever-fluid nature of the production could mean Thompson would be involved after all, but in more recent comments ruled out her appearance.
Red Nose Day Actually will be broadcast on BBC1 during Comic Relief’s TV fundraiser on Friday 24th March


“Love Actually” director Richard Curtis announced in February that he reunited with the cast for a special short film, produced for the British charity Comic Relief. Although the project brought back almost the entire cast, Emma Thompson did not attend.

Thompson explained, while doing press from “Beauty and the Beast” and it was “too soon” since the death of her counterpart in the film, Alan Rickman. For that reason, Curtis was unable to write her a part.

Rickman played Thompson’s adulterous husband, Harry, in the 2003. The rest of the ensemble cast includes Hugh Grant as the British prime minister, Liam Neeson, Colin Firth and Keira Knightley.

Thompson told the Press Association that Curtis had written to her while planning the 10-minute reunion film, which will be broadcast in the United Kingdom on Mar. 24 for Red Nose Day.

“Richard wrote to me and said, ‘Darling, we can’t write anything for you because of Alan,’ and I said, ‘No, of course, it would be sad, too sad,‘” Thompson said. “It’s too soon. It’s absolutely right because it’s supposed to be for Comic Relief but there isn’t much comic relief in the loss of our dear friend, really, just over a year ago.”

Rickman died in Jan. 2016 after battling cancer. Thompson penned a tribute to Rickman after his death, calling him “the ultimate ally… In life, art and politics.” She added, “He was, above all things, a rare and unique human being and we shall not see his like again.”


Edited by Arwen68 - 13/7/2022, 22:32
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view post Posted on 2/3/2017, 23:53

Pozionista con esperienza

Alan Rickman Fan


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view post Posted on 10/3/2017, 01:05

Pozionista con esperienza

Alan Rickman Fan


Qui la traduzione

The Song of Lunch’ is essentially the Alan Rickman-Emma Thompson Love Actually sequel you're looking for

Centring on a pair of middle-aged ex-lovers (who split up over a Joni Mitchell CD, perhaps?) it is a beautiful and painful exploration of how we never truly ‘move on’

In 2010, Emma Thompson and Alan Rickman were reunited for an unprecedented piece of television, an adaptation of a poem.

Short on dialogue and heavy on interior monologue, BBC production The Song of Lunch went slightly under the radar but still plays on my mind seven years later; a stingingly real portrait of ageing, regret and self-loathing.

The story is simple: a man (“He”, Rickman) leaves his office and wanders through sunny Soho before arriving at an Italian restaurant to meet an ex-girlfriend (“She”, Thompson) for lunch. She has moved on but at least retains a care for his well-being, while He has grown bitter with heartbreak and deals with this by monopolising the restaurant’s merlot.
You could be fooled into thinking it was a sequel of sorts to 2003’s Love Actually (a colleague of mine actually was, entirely accidentally, upon recommendation of the film by myself), perhaps set a decade after Harry gave Karen that Joni Mitchell CD for Christmas. This does The Song of Lunch a disservice, though, it’s much, much better, and I say that as someone with as much of a fondness for Love Actually as everyone else.

The language, taken from Christopher Reid’s poem of the same name, is beautiful, with every sip of wine and sideways glance being given careful attention and description. You can feel Rickman’s character’s passion burning, completely abortively and misdirected as anger. Rickman is fantastic as the proxy for the viewer, while Thompson plays the foil perfectly, really conveying that accidental condescension that comes with worrying about someone you used to love.

Edited by Arwen68 - 13/7/2022, 22:33
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view post Posted on 14/3/2017, 01:10

Pozionista con esperienza

Alan Rickman Fan


Richard Curtis on the Love Actually sequel: "It's very strange and sad that Alan Rickman can't be with us"
The Love Actually creator laments the loss of one of the film's most memorable stars

By Sarah Doran
Monday 13 March 2017 at 8:00PM
Love Actually director Richard Curtis is just as sad as you are that Alan Rickman and Emma Thompson won't be in the upcoming Red Nose Day sequel.
"It’s been a frantic few weeks: it’s obviously very strange and sad that Alan Rickman can’t be with us, and that means Emma Thompson won’t be in it, either," Curtis reveals in this week's edition of Radio Times magazine, as he takes us behind the scenes on set.
Over the past few weeks Curtis and his partner Emma Freud have been busy whipping the internet (and Twitter in particular) into a frenzy with brilliant teaser shots from various shooting locations around London.
Rickman's absence was the subject of much discussion online, as fans came to terms with the fact that they wouldn't be able to see his character, Harry - or his wife, played by Emma Thompson - on screen again.
"Richard wrote to me and said, 'Darling we can't write anything for you because of Alan,'” Thompson told PA at the time, “and I said, 'No of course, it would be sad, too sad'. It's too soon. It's absolutely right because it's supposed to be for Comic Relief, but there isn't much comic relief in the loss of our dear friend really only just over a year ago.
"We thought and thought but it just seemed wrong but to revisit the wonderful fun characters of Bill Nighy and Hugh Grant and Liam (Neeson) and all of that; that's fantastic but obviously what would he have done?" the actress continued. "Both of them would be in therapy by now and I would be working on some kind of ward. It was absolutely the right decision."
Curtis has managed to bring quite a few members of the original cast back together, however, and that's something he's quite happy about.
"They’re all turning up, and I’m so grateful – and I hope we can make something that leaps into the future with a few surprises and a few laughs", he writes.
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view post Posted on 4/4/2017, 23:31

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view post Posted on 6/5/2017, 22:56

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view post Posted on 10/5/2017, 23:40

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view post Posted on 18/12/2017, 00:27

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view post Posted on 2/3/2018, 00:18

Pozionista con esperienza

Alan Rickman Fan


Emma Thompson ricorda il suo vero crepacuore in Love Actually
01 marzo 2018 -Daniela Catelli
Spesso si dice che il segreto per essere un bravo attore sta nel saper attingere alle proprie esperienze e ai propri ricordi, specie quando dolorosi. Ed è indubbio che ci sono attori capaci di trasmetterci sentimenti veri. Una di questi è sicuramente Emma Thompson, che è tornata a parlare del suo ruolo in un film molto amato, Love Actually. Tutti ricorderanno che il suo personaggio nel film del 2003, Karen, trova la prova che il marito (l'indimenticabile Alan Rickman) la tradisce e scoppia in lacrime.

"Quella scena in cui il mio personaggio sta vicino al letto e piange è così famosa perché è qualcosa che tutti abbiamo provato", ha detto Thompson. Lei per prima, visto che proprio in quel periodo il suo matrimonio con Kenneth Branagh stava arrivando al capolinea. Ken e Em, come venivano affettuosamente chiamati dai fan, sembravano una coppia indissolubile.

Si erano innamorati nel 1987, quando avevano interpretato due sposini nel film drammatico della BBC Fortunes of War, si erano sposati due anni dopo ed erano poi apparsi insieme nei film da lui diretti Gli amici di Peter, L'altro delitto e Molto rumore per nulla. La loro unione era entrata in crisi quando Branagh aveva iniziato una relazione, nel 1994, con Helena Bonham Carter, conosciuta sul set del suo Frankenstein di Mary Shelley.

Thompson ha fatto ricorso proprio ai sentimenti provati in quel periodo per la scena di cui parlavamo: "Il mio cuore era stato distrutto da Ken. Quindi sapevo cosa volesse dire trovare una collana non destinata a me. Insomma, non proprio letteralmente, ma ci siamo passati tutti".

Parlando col Telegraph, l'attrice ha detto che l'infedeltà di Branagh l'aveva anche costretta a recitare nella vita di tutti i giorni: "Ho fatto un sacco di maledetta pratica nel piangere in camera da letto, per poi dover uscire ed essere allegra, raccogliere i pezzi del mio cuore e metterli in un cassetto".

Comunque, ha anche dichiarato di non provare rancore per Helena Bonham Carter, con cui Branagh rimase per cinque anni (il divorzio risale invece al 1995) "E' tutto... sangue passato. Non si può restare attaccati a una cosa del genere, non ha senso. Non ho avuto l'energia per farlo. Helena ed io abbiamo fatto pace un sacco di anni fa, è una donna meravigliosa".

Un complimento che, personalmente, ci sentiamo di rivolgere a lei.
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